Watercolor Flamingos, Pink and Silhouette Birds

The rising sun, but more so, the setting sun adds such lovely hues and the silhouettes of all things against that background is unarguably stunning. Inspired by that I had painted this bird silhouette, I’m thinking it does resemble a flamingo.

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Sarus Crane and Hooded Pitta in Watercolours

Painting with watercolours is therapeutic, if you have done that, you’d agree with me. Of course, any form of art is therapeutic for that matter but I especially love watercolours for its fluidity.

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Beautiful Butterfly Parks Of India

At some point in time, everyone has been intrigued if not attracted by the vibrant, winged beauties called butterflies. For centuries, they have been the subject of poets, artists, writers and philosophers. There’s not one person who’d not be charmed by these fascinating species of insects that flutter their colourful wings and sprinkle merriment to the surrounding.

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Miniature Penguins, Watercolour Doodle

These miniature penguins from my doodle pad say hello and Happy New Year! Okay the second wish, that’s from me to you 🙂

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