Whimsical Fairy Day: Crafting Leaf Wings with Watercolour and Ink

I read somewhere recently that June 24 is celebrated as Fairy Day. Not sure, which part of the world celebrates it, so cannot say much about it. I find this fairy myth/belief very interesting, and though we may never encounter fairies in real life (that would be awesome though) but it’s nice to know how human brain can imagine something like that.

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Summer Solstice, Day to Celebrate Music, Yoga and Endless Sunshine

This year summer solstice, the longest day of the year falls on June 21. June 21 is also celebrated across the world as International Yoga Day and also World Music Day. That’s good enough reason to celebrate the longest day while enjoying the sun, sound and serenity.

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Fun, Easy and Pun-derful Fruits and Veggies Watercolour Doodle

Everyone likes good puns, I think. I enjoy clever puns, I mean whoever came up with those must have an interesting mind, don’t you think?

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What if You Fly? Colouring the Words

Some words are so delicate and yet so powerful, and if they come to you in the perfect time, when you most need it – that there, is a beautiful serendipity! I think, it’s only when they have come to me in the right time, like a sign, is when I have truly understood them, even though I may have come across them in the past.

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Hello Spring-Summer

Spring in India is short-lived, in fact, in most places across the country, spring even goes unnoticed. The transition from spring to summer is so quick that for far too long I did not know we even have spring here! I only started noticing the short-lived spring season when travelling in the Himalayas.

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