Forest in a Jar, Two Year Old Terrarium

It was a terrarium cleaning day, so obviously there was a photoshoot afterwards, and therefore this terrarium jar that’s been the perfect home for the delicate fittonia or nerve plant for two years was clicked from many different angles, with some before and after cleaning pictures.

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Tangled Hearts Plant, Tiny Plants Tuesday

Here’s (one of) my favourite plant(s) and planter for this week’s garden stories. The plant is called Tangled Hearts, and other common names such Pillow plant and Swedish Ivy.

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Never Saw Plants the Way I See Now

While looking through old pictures, I found this old pic of my work desk, from the time when I worked as a Creative Writer for a boardgames designing start-up. That there is neon pothos, I believe.

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Tiny Plant and Terracotta Tuesday

I finally collected my fired clay works from the studio some days ago. I had joined a pottery class sometime back and had made a few tiny terracotta clay planters, mainly for succulents, to practice when I was done with the class. These were made at home to practice the hand building pottery technique that I had learned.

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Colors of Happiness, Books and Plants

This week’s garden story is actually a couple of pictures from one of the favourite spots at home – my happy place – with plants and books and a green (plant) tea cup.

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