Whimsical Fairy Day: Crafting Leaf Wings with Watercolour and Ink

I read somewhere recently that June 24 is celebrated as Fairy Day. Not sure, which part of the world celebrates it, so cannot say much about it. I find this fairy myth/belief very interesting, and though we may never encounter fairies in real life (that would be awesome though) but it’s nice to know how human brain can imagine something like that.

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Fun, Easy and Pun-derful Fruits and Veggies Watercolour Doodle

Everyone likes good puns, I think. I enjoy clever puns, I mean whoever came up with those must have an interesting mind, don’t you think?

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Embracing Lunar Wisdom, Monday Art

Nature has solutions for everything, immense, valuable life lessons are available in nature, only if we can grasp that, maybe all (or at least most) of the life problems can be resolved. The catch however is, that it is so simple and yet so complicated at the same time.

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Unusual Friendships, Red Fox And Golden Butterfly

This red fox and golden butterfly painting was inspired by Mika Art, a pin that I saw on Pinterest. The original illustration shows a mommy and baby fox snuggling.

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Aurora Sky with Oil Pastels

Since a past couple of days the news and social media feeds are flooded with the stunning pictures of rare auroral red sky caused by solar storm, visible in many parts of the world. It was even visible from Ladakh in India.

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