Whimsical Fairy Day: Crafting Leaf Wings with Watercolour and Ink

I read somewhere recently that June 24 is celebrated as Fairy Day. Not sure, which part of the world celebrates it, so cannot say much about it. I find this fairy myth/belief very interesting, and though we may never encounter fairies in real life (that would be awesome though) but it’s nice to know how human brain can imagine something like that.

Well, since I have no photo, no story, no experience, no knowledge about fairies to share, here’s something that I can share on this topic – a fairy day mixed media doodle. I had a polka dot plant at home with vibrantly coloured polka dots on its leaves. When a few of its leaves dropped dead from the plant, I decided to add them to my doodle pad. The only error was when I dried and dehydrated the polka dot leaves – the vibrant colours of the dots muted, they still looked kind of golden in the light. The green of the leaves turned a bit darker, but it all still looked beautiful I think, so I continued with the idea of making the wings for my flower fairy with the pressed leaves of polka dot plant, watercolour and ink doodle. Check this quick video of that process below.

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