Summer Solstice, Day to Celebrate Music, Yoga and Endless Sunshine

This year summer solstice, the longest day of the year falls on June 21. June 21 is also celebrated across the world as International Yoga Day and also World Music Day. That’s good enough reason to celebrate the longest day while enjoying the sun, sound and serenity.

While I did start the day with my Yoga routine, I was rather occupied throughout the day to catch up on and celebrate the World Music Day. Later in the day, I also learned June 21 this year is also World Productivity Day, so I guess I did celebrate the two events that are happening today. And I suppose there are more events that are being celebrated on June 21, 2024.

As I’m calling it a day, I decided to do a quick music day doodle (using my cheap, student-grade watercolours) while listening to my favourite music, of course. Check the music day doodle below.

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