Unusual Friendships, Red Fox And Golden Butterfly

This red fox and golden butterfly painting was inspired by Mika Art, a pin that I saw on Pinterest. The original illustration shows a mommy and baby fox snuggling.

Pinterest is my favorite place (as it is for most) to find inspiration. Once, while browsing through it, I found this lovely pinspiration (yup that’s the term I use and it is pretty self-explanatory, right) by Mika Art and I couldn’t stop myself from trying it out. But I wanted to try doing it a bit differently, and yet trying to keep the same emotion because of course it wasn’t my art and I wasn’t convinced to do it in an entirely different light. And also, I don’t think I’m that equipped to try something like that, in the first place.

So anyway, in thinking of maintaining the emotion or keeping it as close as possible, I decided to try out adding a butterfly instead of a fox cub. Instead of a mother-child love and warmth, my attempt showed a warmth of a friendship between two distinctly different creatures. I can say my attempt at recreating the original idea shows what unusual but meaningful friendships look like. I’m very glad to have come across this lovely art and that it inspired me to try out something that made me feel warm.

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