Poetry in a Glass, Vineyard Walks and Wine Tasting

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Though I’m not much into wines, I’ve enjoyed it on a few occasions. But I wasn’t sure I’d truly enjoy a visit to a vineyard, followed by wine tasting at the winery, as a wine enthusiast would have. I did visit anyway because there’s always something new to learn about, observe, and experience.

For starters, I had never been to a vineyard before. It was interesting to walk through the pretty vineyard, learning about it all, right from planting and caring for the grapevines to the harvest. I wasn’t into plants much either then, I am a bit into it now, so I suppose there would be more interesting things to learn about that now. Still it was a nice walk and learned a thing or two about grape farming. These green grapes (first pic below) will be used in the making of white wine, but they were still young and raw, and it would take a while for the harvest to be ready before processing into white wine.

Wine tasting was another experience I hadn’t had before. Sight, smell, swirl, sip and savour – the wine expert at the winery explained and demonstrated how to taste wine with five senses. In my opinion, that’s a very poetic approach to drinking wine. I also learned about wine tasting notes here. He went to tell us how the flavours, sweetness, aromas, acidity, etc., add up to each wine’s unique profile. Second picture (below) was clicked after learning the theory as we enjoyed some red wine, keeping the newly gained knowledge in mind. In conclusion, wine tasting is really about the experience and not an analysis. And even if you’re not into wine much (like me) I think it still would be a good experience to visit the vineyard and winery once, just for fun or to break the monotony of the otherwise life or to gain some new knowledge, whatever it is for you.

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